Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Want to feel needed?

I was not feeling well today and was told to rest for the day. Was actually told to go up to my bed, relax and work on some photos or take a nap. I very mistakenly thought I was given the night off. The mistake was thinking I could actually do this and that life around our home would go on. Well, everyone is alive, so I guess LIFE officially is going on. But at 9 o'clock at night I just discovered that 3 of my children will be doing their homework in the morning, because no one did it this afternoon or evening. No one practiced their music. No one did any reading. No one ate the dinner I prepared and left in the crockpot - I was literally feeding them at 9pm.
Want to feel needed? Take one night off.
Tonight I will just be thankful that I am needed and leave it at that.


  1. Awwwww hope your feeling better soon! There is only 1 thing worse than a sick Mom (making the house fall apart) and that is a sick Dad (complaining and moaning)!

  2. This is all completely unfair to me (Dad). I came home from work early, picked up from school, drove to ballet, drove to soccer, coached volleyball, did homework with the 10 year old, cleaned up all the dishes and folded two loads of laundry (and put it away)! I also tried to make the 6 year old eat and also put the 3 year old to bed. Bottom line is that I do agree with my wife. No idea how she does it all. I also (BTW) did all this without complaint. I agree she is amazing but needed so set the record straight that I was not a complete failure as a stand-in!

  3. Someone is feeling a bit defensive...all I did was state the truth. No one ate dinner, did their homework or practiced music because I was down. Again, just a very thankful mom that I am needed : ) No need to get all upset dear sweet husband who did such a lovely job running everyone everywhere in my taxi. And quit messing with my blog with your comments!
