Wednesday, February 23, 2011


My husband and I go out on a date once a week. We instilled this practice when we had our 3rd child, and haven't turned back once. What does this have to do with the kids? Well, in order to make this happen every week, many stars have to align and since my husband is at his job all day (so we can pay for this date once a week), I am the one to align these said stars. This week that entailed the usual: First there was,my assistance and insistence of Jack finishing his school project this weekend even though it is not due until Thursday. Then there was a quick 3mi run yesterday with a friend to try to get some miles in to prepare for my upcoming relay with friends. During this said run, I let my almost 12 yr old son exhibit his responsibility by watching the other kids while I was gone! Big step. It also meant that I had to get the kids straight to work on their homework after school yesterday, check it all over, make one of the kids redo her homework, and then recheck it all. It meant that I would then immediately sit down at the piano with Jack to get him started on his piano practice the correct way (without my assistance he just plays his favorite pieces, and "forgets" about the others). Following that I would sit with Elaina and do the same thing. About that time the babysitter arrived, and I was free to take the fastest shower ever in order to not smell on my date. On my way to my shower I would text my husband to tell him to make me a drink when he walked in the door and bring it to me in the shower, so that I could begin the ever-so-important "relax and become 'fun wife' mode that is much more enjoyable on our date than the "oh my gosh we have so much to do and I am so stressed mode" that will surface if not dealt with accordingly. I would then do a very quick "try to look sexy and fun while still wearing sensible shoes since my feet hurt so badly from being on them so much lately" task. And finally after running back in to tell the babysitter 13 things we kept forgetting to mention, we would be out the door for a relaxing evening. Where we would talk about the kids all night : )


  1. I need a "like" button for lots of your posts! This is one of them. My favorite line... a very quick "try to look sexy and fun while still wearing sensible shoes since my feet hurt so badly from being on them so much lately" task. hillarious!

  2. I am sure you can relate Diane - which is why you "like" so much!
