Sunday, February 20, 2011

Cold Shower & Beautiful Music

Charlie has been pooping in his underwear about every other day or so. I'm trying not to make huge deal out of it or anything, but it is gross and since I know he can poop in the toilet, it is frustrating. Every time he poops himself I have been giving him a bath. Problem is, he loves baths, so I think he does not see this as a problem at all. So today, I got a little tougher. Today he pooped his pants and so I gave him a pretty cold shower to wash him off. Is that horrible? Maybe. Will it work? I think it just might. Will he be scarred for life? Doubtful. Tiger Mom I am. This morning I had the boys do their hour of music practice each. I sat with Jack and tapped (poked) him in the shoulder when he hit a wrong note. This sounds mean right? But no. Jack loves the attention, fears the poke with a grin on his face, and is amazingly more attentive to actually hitting the right notes and not just guessing if he knows he will get a little poke from me while playing. Best part. He is laughing throughout most of the practice, and by the end he can play all of his pieces perfectly. Scotty came downstairs for his practice, from having practiced upstairs in his room on his keyboard for a while. It is staggering the amount of progress he is making with the hour long practices. I started to tear up as he played a really neat piece really well! My husband looked at me while he played with a sort of astonished look on his face. Beautiful music is filling the house! Tiger Mom strikes again!

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