Thursday, April 28, 2011

Needing Mom

"Mom, I had a bad dream. I didn't have a mom. You weren't anywhere. Now I can't get it out of my head. Can I just sit  here by you?"  I remember having nightmares like this as a child. I woke up sick to my stomach. Now my own 10 yr old is coming to me with trembling lip reminding me of those days. So we talked about how blessed he is to have such a wonderful extended family to watch over him if something ever did happen to his mom, but that it was very unlikely. And we put on some jovial music to put us in a better mood. Still, throughout the morning he walked up to me for hugs, and comfort until I dropped him at school.

"Mom, I'm twying to cuggle you. I need to cuggle you." Said Charlie as he snuggled up to me on my bed last night. Cuggle is his own word he made up meaning rub his cheek against my cheek and close his eyes and be just as adorable as humanly possible. 

"Mom, are you ready to look at the 17 new Pokemon cards I made up on the computer. I need to show you them before I go to bed." Said Scotty last evening after having "worked" on his computer all evening.

Sometimes I complain about being needed so much, but a lot of times it is pretty endearing. 

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