Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Potty Training 101

1. Have plenty of drinks. 2. Have plenty of salty snacks, so the trainee will want to drink the drinks. 3. The drinking will give lots of pottying opportunities. 4. Show no fear. The trainee will sense fear and use it to his advantage, threatening to pee on things, pee on you, poo on the floor, or worse - to never pee or poo again. 5. Expect to spend all day (or 3 days) in the bathroom. 6. Have plenty of movies available in the bathroom. 7. Have a step stool as a foot rest so their legs don't fall asleep on the toilet. 8. Be prepared with rewards. But don't pull out the rewards too quickly this can come back to bite you. Try just happy potty dances and high fives first upon success, you may be surprised at how much the trainee likes this. 9. Have plenty of hand sanitizer nearby, since your trainee is eating and drinking while on the toilet. 10. Be patient. Very patient. All this being said, and having potty-trained 4 children in the past, I still feel absolutely helpless to the power that the trainee holds. Day one of potty training is done. He peed on me while laughing and saying, "I'm doing it again!" and I was proud of him...something here is not quite right.

1 comment:

  1. Love this post. Having potty trained Luca numerous times - because the diaper was just so much easier for mom and dad on the weekends :( - I can really relate to this post! The first time high fives and a lot of praise did the trick, by the forth time Dora and Diego stickers were demanded.
