Monday, July 12, 2010

Hmmmm...let me think...

The "moments to remember" from yesterday seem few. It wasn't a day I want to forget or anything. I am just having a hard time stirring up the memory... Let's see, here is what is coming to mind: I returned from a photo shoot and began to make the kid's lunches... -Ben changed his mind on which kind of bread he wanted his peanut butter and honey sandwich 3 times. -Charlie refused to sit while eating and insisted on standing until he finally threw a fit on the floor, then very calmly he finally stood up and walked over to his seat and sat down to eat as if he never had a problem with sitting at all. -I folded laundry for the majority of the afternoon and evening while watching tv. In order to make it a more productive situation, I decided to pray for each child whose piece of clothing I was folding. Jack got an abundance of prayers, which tells me 2 things. 1. God may have felt he needed more prayers, and 2. he throws a bunch of clean clothing in the laundry and I need to chat with him about this. -I owe Scotty 10 bucks for mowing the lawn yesterday. He has been doing a good job, he is $20 cheaper than our old lawn guy, and he is taking on some good responsibility. : ) -At church last night Jack asked if he could stand in the back of church for the duration of mass because he would be able to see better. I decided to let him because 1. he is often a distraction for his younger siblings during mass, 2. He has a hard time sitting and standing still, and I figured he could shift back and forth from foot to foot in the back of church and not be bugging anyone, 3. If he really wanted to "see better" then who am I to stop him. It worked out swimmingly, until my husband found him back there during a Charlie escape from the pew and sent him back to the pew. (once again I am reminded that communication is key in marriage). Therefore the last 15 minutes of mass I spent separating kids from each other, and trying to find a place for Jack to sit, since Ben had fallen asleep sprawled out on the pew. -Last night we dropped off Elaina (6) and Ben (4) with grandparents for the week. They were super excited for this, and had packed their own bag. It included: one shirt for Elaina, 2 pair of shorts for Elaina, 2 shirts for Ben, 2 pair of Ben's undies, one panty for Elaina, some pjs for Ben, a sweatshirt that fits neither of them, a headband, a necklace, a bracelet, sunglasses for each of them, and lots of stuffed animals. Not too bad for a 4 and 6 yr old packing job actually. I repacked, but kept as much of their original stuff in there as I could without confusing grandma. -My husband took Scotty and Jack to hit golf balls late last night to a driving range with lights. They have their regular Monday golf round this morning and their dad tries hard to keep them doing their best. Good dad. -I laid down with Charlie last night to put him to sleep. We read a book and then he proceeded to play with my face and roll around and not seem sleepy at all. I started singing "itsy bitsy spider" and he was yelling "no! No! NO!" So I stopped. 1 minute later he was asking me to sing it, I did, and he fell right asleep. He seems to be at a stage where he just wants things on his own terms, when HE asks for it, not when I suggest it. -Jack had come in while I was putting Charlie to bed. Jack can't stand to hear a crying baby, his sensitivity gets the best of him. He offered to lie down with him. This time I did not let him. But the other night I had been out with a friend. We came home to find Charlie and Jack snuggled up together, and Ben and Scotty snuggled up together. My friend, who has no children, was so touched. I am used to seeing them do this, so originally I wasn't as affected, but seeing her emotion at their little sleeping arrangement made me really think how great it is that they all have each other and love each other this way. So, I guess there are plenty of "moments to remember" even in a day that at first seemed pretty mundane. : )

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