Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Ropes Course

I'm at this indoor amusement park watching a bunch of crazy people do this amazing sport where they wear a harness that attaches to a rope that attaches to a beam above them. Then they proceed through an obstacle course or rope swings, high wire walks, beam walks, ladder climbs all about 2 and a half to 3 stories above the ground. No nets. About a half an hour later I am watching my 9 and 11 year olds teeter above me on this course! What was their father thinking letting them do this??? I'm sweating and shaking and about to freak out as I watch my 9 year old deftly skip across some wooden planks about a foot apart held together by slack ropes. My 11 year old, who isn't as naturally inclined for such things is bravely crossing above me looking down! Don't look down! Don't look down! I keep willing him to stare straight ahead and keep on the course. But he looks down and still he is making it through. So much courage! Finally about 30 minutes later they are on their decent. My prayers are being answered, they are going to make it back safely. On the ground, they get their back slaps and congratulations for accepting and conquering this challenge fearlessly! Scotty admits he was scared, but he just kept going. Jack says he wasn't scared at all, and that it was just really fun, "I mean we were attached to that thing, we weren't going to fall anywhere." Says Jack. When I was their ages there is no way I would have been that brave. I remember my dad asking us if we wanted to ride on an elephant's back in a circus we attended and my sisters and I were like, "no way." Oh, how I love (and hate as a mother) the bravery and courage they showed. I'm so excited (and terrified) to see what they will be able to do as they grow. I pray they keep their sense of adventure and stay REALLY safe while adventuring.

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