Friday, May 14, 2010

Ben (4.5)

(at the Powder Valley Nature reserve) Ben: "Oh, that's a soft shell turtle. And that's a catfish." And he was right. You gotta love Zaboomafoo Ben: "Did God die?" Mom: "Remember Jesus rose up to heaven?" Ben: "Oh ya, Easta came and He wose up and now he wivs in aw hawts. How did He get so smaw to fit in dare?" Mom: "Its just a mystery isn't it?" Ben: "Maybe He makes aw hawts beep." (out of the blue today: trip to Disney was over 2 weeks ago) Ben: "I liked that pawt when we went to Disney World." Ben at 4 years old is really something else. Today we went to church, then to our neighbor's to hold their new baby chicks and get the boys' haircuts, then to Powder Valley Nature reserve, then made brownies together. Time with Ben is time well spent. He does a bit of a running commentary on what we are doing throughout the day. And all through his commentary his voice is so excited! His eyes are so wide! His crooked smile is so mischievous looking! The friends that met Ben in the cry-room at church were welcomed by Ben with open arms, literally. The baby chicks he held had his full attention and love. He proclaimed his haircut to everyone he saw the rest of the day. Each exhibit at Powder Valley was "so cool!" to Ben. When it was time to bake the brownies together, in Ben's mind baking brownies was the most important thing he would do this whole week, as he bravely cracked his own egg, stirred with a vengence and licked the spoon with utter delight. To Ben right now, "life is his oyster" and not only does he immediately open his oyster time and time again to find pearl after pearl, but the pearls never ever bore him. Each time Ben begins his day, he is anxious to see what it holds. God, make us all more like Ben. You put the pearls right in front of us, help us to see them and cherish them for what they are! Just like Ben.

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