Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Simply Piano

There are times in a mother's life that she can't seem to find anything to calm, to quiet, to entertain or to just plain impress her sons at all. As they get older it seems the old tried and true cookie, or balloon, or treat from the treasure chest just doesn't cut it. But sometimes, just when you are thinking you are at a loss, they surprise you. Like tonight. Getting Jack (9) to settle down and go to his bedroom to go to sleep is quite a challenge. He thinks up reasons to come back downstairs to chat with me, get a drink, look for something, etc... But until he mentioned it tonight, I had forgotten or perhaps not realized the power of my playing the piano for him. "Mom, will you play me a couple songs on the piano while I am up in bed, so I can fall asleep?" Of Course! I had forgotten that last year at Christmas he loved hearing me play Christmas carols before he went to sleep. So, about 3 songs later, I am sure he is up there snoozing away. It is a win win situation since I love playing the piano, and never find the time to do so, and Jack needs to hear the piano to get him to relax. How nice it is to still have something so simple to give to my son that he really enjoys. And it costs me only the time it takes to play - which I am happy to spend. Thank you God for this simple, yet somehow powerful tool that made our evening go so smoothly. I will remember this from now on! I pray that the piano and guitar lessons that we dish out weekly for our kids will some day give them this same gift.

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