Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Circus

7 circus tickets - $120 3 bags cotton candy - $12 5 snow cones - $15 1 water - $2 1 popcorn - $3 1 coke - $2 1 clown nose - $3 3 pony rides - $15 1 crying fit - $my sanity Ben saying "Its amazing when you taked us hewe!!!" - priceless! Very fun night at The Circus Flora. We ALL enjoyed it. My husband and I were terrified for the trapeze and other extremely high up performers, but the kids just stared in awe and clapped and screamed out their applause with enthusiasm! At one point Charlie dumped most of a snow cone all over me. At another point, Ben was freaking about wanting a blue instead of a red snow cone, but all mishaps and fits were quickly over as soon as a new act began and grabbed the attention of the big eyes staring in awe. Elaina now wants to be a circus performer. Jack has been wearing a clown nose since intermission, and was extremely interested in the whip and lasso performer. Ben says he loved the parts with the horses and Scotty says he was super impressed by the trapeze artists. And the fact that Charlie made it through the entire 2hr show without having to be taken out says a LOT for the entertainment value of this show! What a lovely evening!

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