Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Before 9am

Before 9am this morning: Charlie escaped through the gate at his bedroom door at 4:30am, came into my room and scaled my bed and snuggled in with daddy until 7am. Charlie dumped the Tupperware drawer. Charlie ate yogurt out of the big container with a big spoon. Charlie got his own crackers from the counter for the rest of his breakfast. Charlie changed his mind 12 times about whether or not he wanted a tomato. Charlie whispered "p...r...o...u..t...s" when I asked him if he knew where he was going today. Charlie changed his mind 7 times about whether or not he might try to poo on the toilet. Charlie said, "I handsome!" after I dressed him for his Little Sprouts outing. Charlie stood on a step stool watching out the window for grandma and yelled "they here!" every time a car went by. Charlie took food out of the dog dish and kept trying to feed the dog by hand. Charlie crawled up on my lap while I was on the phone and looking at my calendar which was also on my lap and said, "I love you book." Charlie rode down the stairs on my back squeezing my neck and laughing hysterically when I made a choking noise. Charlie blew his own nose on a huge handful of wet wipes. Charlie picked out a striped shirt and yelled, "swipes!" Charlie waved vigorously and said, "bye mommy!" And that's a morning with Charlie (2).

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