Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Cutting Ben's hair and Playing catch

I love cutting Ben's hair. He is very quiet and thoughtful and sweet. He has long hair. I hate the way other people cut it, so I often trim him up myself. He stays so still, and he looks at me and asks, "how does it look?" and "Are you done yet?" And when I say for the zillionth time that I just have to do one more cut, he patiently lets me cut while he stays very still. And when he is facing me, he rolls his eyes up to see the hair that is still in his eyes a little bit, and he says, "I think you need to cut this piece right here, it is getting in my eye." And his little voice is just so.....little, in that moment. And he looks right at me with his big round eyes and grins so sweetly. Ahhhhhhhh. Charlie just came to me wearing a garden glove, holding a golf ball. He also brought me a garden glove and insisted that I put it on. Then he wanted to play catch that way. When I realized he thought that we were playing baseball, I became quite ashamed that this is what he was trying to do. Even though I am having book club tonight and should be cleaning my house like a maniac and making dinner....I am heading outside with actual baseball gloves and baseballs, because for GOODNESS sakes, I can't have my son thinking that "catch" is played with garden gloves and a golfball!

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