Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mommy and Me Soccer

Firstly, let me say, that I am not actually really an advocate of Mommy and Me Soccer. I mean, I can save $100 (or whatever it costs) and just kick a ball with my 2 yr old in my backyard any time I want to. However, my almost 5 yr old was signed up for a program, and rather than just watching it again this session with my 2 yr old begging to run onto the indoor field, I decided to just sign he and I up for a session at the same time as his big brother's. So, today was the first session. And let me say we had a blast. However, it really had zero to do with the poor girl running the Mommy and Me group. She had quite possibly never before ran a 2 yr old program before, actually she quite possibly had never talked to, played with, or maybe even SEEN a 2 yr old before. This very nice girl/woman (I can't estimate people's ages ever since I turned thirty, still think I'm 23, and often feel like I'm 80) began the program by asking the 2 yr olds to sit in a hoola hoop on the ground in a circle. Needless to say, most of the 2 yr olds grabbed the hoops and started putting them over their heads - of course. She began to tell them all what we were going to be learning in soccer class today in a very quiet voice. I could barely hear her, and I guarantee Charlie wasn't getting the picture, as he was at this point trying to spin his hoop around his neck, and being thrown to the ground. Eventually the moms learned that we were to try to get our 2 yr olds to kick their tiny soccer balls over to an area full of smaller 8inch diameter hoops, then get them to get their balls to stop in the hoops by stomping on top of the ball, and for some reason the 2 yr olds (some of whom can barely talk) were supposed to yell out their favorite food. Had I been a first time mom at this session I may have begun to panic, worrying that my 2 yr old was the only one who did not #1 have the agility to get their ball to stop inside of a small hoop, #2understand these directions, #3 know what the word favorite means. But, since this is #5 that I was doing the Mommy and Me Soccer with, I was a cool cucumber. "Charlie, Can you KICK the ball?!" Charlie began kicking the ball all over the area. "Charlie, can you go kick the ball in the goal?" Charlie began heading toward the goal, ball on foot, and smash, it was in! "Charlie, I'm going to get your ball!" And he began running away from me dribbling his ball. I don't think I'm being presumptuous when I say, my kid was learning more from me than from Ms.Hoola-Hoop-favorite-food-gal. And she was lovely, but when she eventually asked the kids to all play redlight/greenlight I pretty much gave up on her. I mean Charlie doesn't seem to understand that he should stop when I say, "STOP!" let alone when I say, "Red light." So, as I ran around chasing giggling Charlie on the turf, and he fell on top of his ball numerous times, laughing and trying to get away from me, and keep me from his ball, and kick his ball against the wall, I began to remember the name of this session - Mommy and Me. And I began to think, Maybe this chick is smarter about this than she let on, maybe she knows what we all need more of...... a little Mommy and Me time. And I am very thankful for it. And we can't wait to go back next week.

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