Sunday, September 12, 2010

How whole wheat is ruining my life!

This is what Scotty just said to my husband. As he is making muffins, and messed up and had to begin again, he says to his dad, "This is just another example of how whole wheat is ruining my life." True, I have been on a bit of a health kick lately. Just trying to make my family eat some healthy food once in a while, so sue me. But really you would think that I am forcing arsenic down Scotty's throat. He has been brought to tears more than once because of being told he couldn't have a soda. He has been in a crabby mood for most of a day because I said no to a 5th helping of bread. And right now, he is stomping around the kitchen as he is making his muffins for the 2nd time, because whole wheat is "ruining his life." I'm at a bit of a loss. I want to teach the kids good nutrition, but I also don't want to over exclude foods from our diet and cause them to rebel and become junkfood junkies as they get older and start making their own choices. Ugh. The balance is not easy. Tonight for dinner we are having yogurt fruit smoothies and banana bread. I would say that is a pretty delicious dinner....I should hear no complaining. but tomorrow, its broccoli! Also I don't want to forget: -Charlie is running around in a fur monkey suit costume. ADORABLE. I asked him what monkeys say and he growled at me. We will have to work on that before Halloween. However, he did just try to climb up the kitchen drawers onto the counter, so I guess he has the climbing part down. -Charlie ate 3 pieces of gum, 7 tic tacs, a bag of cookies, and all of my friend's iced tea. Bleacher season has begun. We will be on bleachers a lot again, watching volleyball, and soccer. I better restock my purse with some better options.

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