Thursday, November 11, 2010

Calm the Storm

Jack and I have butted heads on many things for oh, about the past 9 years. Lately though, we have had some really special time together. I'm loving practicing with Jack for his Christmas recital. He will be playing a piano piece, singing along with a guitar piece that he will play and then sing a solo to Mary Did You Know at the microphone while I play piano accompaniment. He is very into his singing, and loves to practice with me! It is sooooo great to have found something we both like doing together, and what better pastime than making music together. It is more than just something to do together. It is creating something together. Creating a feeling and a sound, and melding together to accomplish what we are trying to do is very inspiring! Best of all, we aren't fighting at all - the storm has been calmed by this mutual love of making music together! I am reminded that God's hand is in everything. I love Jack's enthusiasm, his self-improvement (for his voice has gotten better), and his bravery to perform in front of others. I look forward to many years of him letting me play back-up : ))) "Mary did you know, that your Baby Boy would calm the storm with His hands?"

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