Monday, November 15, 2010

Home repair to do list

Below is a list of things that my husband and I (and my father and anyone else we can swindle into helping) need to do to get our house looking a little less "Sanford and Son" -ish. All are home "injuries" cause by my children: 1. Fix hinge on the hideout door (kids pulled the hinge off) 2. Re-insulate the sliding door (kids picked at and pulled off all the insulation) 3. Fix the Foosball table rod (kids hung on it and broke it in half) 4. Replace the baseboards by the laundry area (kids have kicked at them enough that they have totally come off) 5. Fix kids' kitchen cabinet hinge(kids pulled it off) 6. Repaint the powder room (kids peeled a huge strip of paint and drywall off right under the toilet paper) 7. Clean the rugs (no explanation needed) 8. Replace basement staircase spindle (kids broke it off) 9. Wash all staircase walls, or repaint (hand prints) 10. Burn off the crayon melt from the gas fireplace logs and Get new fireplace screens (Charlie threw a bunch of crayons into one of the gas fireplaces and the pilot light melted them all over the logs) 11. Get the rest of the fingernail polish off of the floor (Charlie did his own nails) 12. Fix curtains in the dining room (someone hung on them and ripped the top) 13. Cover or patch the holes in the playroom closet door (Ben and a friend used pool cues to poke a bunch of holes in it) 14. Fix the pool cues, and install a locked pool cue case (see #13) Those are the main ones.


  1. Have you tried Mr. Clean Magic Erasers?
    They work wonders on baseboards/handprints even if they can't help with the other dozen items on the list....

  2. they are actually a big part of my life : )
