Monday, November 29, 2010

Yoda is a Shepherd

Tonight my mo - in - law and I were talking with my 2 yr old, which is ALWAYS entertaining. We were telling him about the Nativity and Christmas and all and eventually my mother in law asks him if he knows about the Shepherds and he says, "Yes! We hab shepper on da tree! He fights!" and we say that no he doesn't fight and he keeps saying that he does, and then he goes over to the tree and points out the "shepherd" which was a Yoda ornament with a light saber. I get the confusion, I mean they both wear robes and both have wrinkles. But I am reminded to get into the real meaning of Christmas a bit more with my kiddos. We did light our Advent candle this evening, but then we really didn't know what to we said our usual prayer and then ate dinner. I think this season requires, deserves, more than a candle lit and a 2 yr old thinking that Yoda is a shepherd. So, my goal for before tomorrow is to google nightly Advent prayers/devotions and to gather all of our Christmas, real Christmas stories and put them close at hand for the season. However something good is seeping into my kids heads somehow, since this afternoon my daughter said this, "Mom, every time I walk down the stairs and see our Christmas tree I say a little prayer." I say "REALLY? what prayer?" She says, "Hail Mary, or Glory Be." I have no idea where she got this, but I like it.

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