Monday, November 15, 2010

The Places I find Charlie

I just found Charlie in the kitchen. He had stacked up an upside down laundry basket, then put a car booster seat on top of that and was climbing onto the counter so that he could get a banana. Wouldn't it have been easier just to ask me for the banana? Also have found him: -Crouched down on top of his own dresser. -Sitting on top of the bathroom counter, in a cape, brushing his teeth. -Inside the refrigerator. -Trying to climb into the oven. -Stacked 2 small folding chairs and was trying to climb over a gate. -In the guitar case. -In the toy shopping cart - stuck. -In the under-the-sink cabinets -On the neighbors trampoline (apparently he figured out how to open the gate to our backyard - it is now padlocked) We need a padded room.

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